History 2403E Study Guide - Final Guide: Protestant Union, Cuius Regio, Eius Religio

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Cuius regio, eius religio: determined the religion of an area based on the religion of a ruler. St bartholomew"s day massacre: a massacre of over 3,000 huguenots in paris, fanned the flames of civil war, sent france into chaos weakening it centrally and economically. Peace of augsburg treaty between charles v and an alliance of lutheran princes. It officially ended the religious struggle between the two groups and made the legal division of christendom permanent within the holy roman empire. Spanish armada: a spanish fleet sent to conquer england and instill catholicism within, the defeat of the armada signified that england would remain protestant and be a powerful force against catholicism. Philip ii: the king of spain who brought spain into its golden age, also contributed to its demise by mounting immense amounts of debt, centralized government and brought in wide spread bearuacracy.