Health Sciences 1001A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Blood Test, Angiogenesis, Zeaxanthin

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Note: the final exam is cumulative (10% questions from midterm material) but with emphasis on topics 5-11. Meat, cheese: the softer (more liquid) a fat is, the less saturated and trans fat it is likely to contain, monounsaturated, typically, liquid at room temperature, usually from plant sources (ex. Olive and canola oil: polyunsaturated, typically, liquid at room temperature, usually from plant sources (ex. Soybean and corn oil: includes 2 essential fatty acids, hydrogenation: a process by which hydrogens are added to unsaturated fats, increasing the degree of saturation and turning liquid oils into solid fats. Glucose (blood sugar) simple carbohydrate: disaccharides (two units) ex. Sucrose (table sugar) simple carbohydrate: polysaccharides (>2 units) ex. Provide high-quality protein and calcium (bone and teeth development: meat and alternatives: recommended servings per day (adults ages 19-50) = 2 females, 3 males . Sugar consumption is linked to a rise in non-communicable disease heart disease, cancer, diabetes .