Health Sciences 1002A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Extreme Poverty, Environmental Racism, Aluminium Oxide

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Unproductive labor : gender paradox men die quicker but women are sicker, marylin warring- domestic labor not counted as visible, productive" labor. Race: differences in health between racial groups; health outcomes also vary by ethnicity or. Race ; i. e. there are racial inequities in health; mostly focused in the us between african. African(aa) men tend to die 5 years earlier than white men; aa women tend to die 4 years earlier these differences are not static! ; the health immigrant effect is if you control education and income, immigrants will have better health than non-immigrants; however, by the second generation health decreases to the norm of non-immigrants. Race and class intersect to produce particular health outcomes; there"s a racial gradient of health- aa do more poorly on most health indicators than their white counterparts. Health differences b/w ethnic groups often persist even after socioeconomic factors are taken into account.