Health Sciences 3300A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Sella Turcica, Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

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Topic 6 - exam terminology: hormones, hypothalamus & pituitary. Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulated by corticotropin-releasing hormone and stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroids. Amino acid hormones most hormones - molecular size varies greatly and exert effects on target cells upon binding receptors on surface cells. Antidiuretic hormone a peptide that has osmotic sensors in the blood - targets the kidney tubules to reabsorb water. Anterior lobe glandular epithelial tissue that makes up 75% of the total weight. Cushing"s disease due to excess glucocorticoids - presentation through redistribution of body fat, atrophy of the skin and cognitive disorders. Endocrine glands duct-less that secrete specifical chemicals and release them into surrounding tissue fluid. Exocrine glands non-hormonal secretions transported through ducts to the membrane surface of cells. Follicle stimulating hormone regulates the development of follicle, stimulates the release of estrogen, & stimulates gamete production. Gonadotropins release regulated by the gonadotropin-releasing hormone - composed of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone.