Health Sciences 3400A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Disease Surveillance, Occupational Safety And Health

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Lecture 7 issue identification and policy development flashcards. Back (definition: issue identification, agenda setting, policy design/ development, implementation, evaluation and monitoring. Risk: the chance that any hazard will cause harm. Proactive: response to an emergent threat that hasn"t materialized yet ex. Noticing higher mercury levels in the soil, no connection to harms yet but doing something about it first before people experience harm from it. Reactive: response to an epidemic for example, something that"s already happening. Toxicology studies, epidemiological studies, environmental monitoring, biological monitoring, product surveillance, disease surveillance, investigations of disease outbreaks - ideally get info from a few places but it depends on the type of problem. Content-related: put the issue into context: characterize the risk, hazard, exposure2. Put the issue into context (narrow vs. broad: identify goals. Collective impact of exposure to similar agents. Generally should ensure appropriate level of health protection: allocate resources2. Identify roles, responsibilities, accountabilities: prepare action plan and documentation process (risk information.