Health Sciences 3400A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Orthopedic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery

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Lecture 3 wait times in health care flashcards. Amount of time canadians wait for health care has steadily increased and now is longer than ever. 2016 wait times for medically necessary treatment: gp referral -> Significant variation between provinces and territories - ontario has shortest total wait by province, nb has the longest. Proportion of the population waiting for treatment varies. Some provinces have gotten worse in the last couple years but some have also gotten slightly better as well. Neurosurgery, ophthamology, ent have large increases over the years. What doctors recommend to be clinically reasonable. Our wait times exceed the reasonable in 70% of comparisons, only sk is close to equal. But every country measures differently and there is no one accepted way to measure, so hard to compare jurisdictions. Increased pain, suffering, mental anguish- embarrassment could prevent people from going out, losing independence (esp. driving) Affect caregivers: mental anguish, loss of productivity, reduced quality of life.