[Kinesiology 2222A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (128 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Intro to systemic & functional anatomy; basic cells and tissues. First anatomist wrote the anatomy textbook in 1850"s: grey"s anatomy considered the book to look at for the truth, only 38 versions in over 150 years. Friend was an illustrator, so he drew the organs grey studied inside of the body. Died on the year his book was to be published. Tend to be elderly people causes problems; elderly tend to have more body fat, etc. Very few available because most deceased people are used for organ donations. Looking at one point of the body a nerve, a vessel, etc. Usually used by courses that don"t have a cadaver. How one thing integrated with another to make up the organism biological systems (ex: skeletal system, cardiovascular system) Standing flat footed, arms and legs straight, palms forward. Kind of like having a 3d compass for one"s body.