[Kinesiology 2276F/G] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (63 pages long!)

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Document Summary

The application of psychological principles to the promotion and maintenance of leisure physical activity (principles that stem from mainstream psychology). It is one thing to start exercise, but another to keep them going. The psychological and emotional consequences of leisure physical activity. Relationship between psychological factors and the physical rehabilitation process. Psychological processes related to health and health care (eg. nutrition, smoking cessation) Benefits on a health standpoint that physical activity can deliver, like living longer, increase quality of life with more exercise. Smoking cessation, exercise is a way to help smokers quit smoking (reference to prapavessis) Interrelationships of behavioural, physical, and psychosocial factors in treatment of disease and disability. Disease and illnesses can be linked to exercise like type 2 diabetes which is from lack of exercise. Looking at motivation and self-efficacy, why some people believe they can while others cannot. To understand the psychological consequences of exercise: reduce negative and promote positive psychological/emotional states.