Kinesiology 3337A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Body Fat Percentage, Skin Fold, Triglyceride

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Societal variable on what is considered attractive. The e ect body composition has on some people. People often rank themselves based o numbers on a scale. 75% of the population doesn"t exercise enough. Maintaining a healthy body composition is di cult for most people. E ective at storing energy as adipose tissue. Maintains serum lipids (lipid layer of cell membranes) This di ers depending on where you are from as well. Athletes, and third world countries usually have lower percentage body fat. Body stores macronutrients all over the body. Metabolism: rq = co2 produced / o2 consumed. Cho, lipids and proteins carry di erent amounts of o2 to oxidize. Rq>1 in anaerobic exercise = co2 elimination. Fat: lipids contain fewer o2 atoms to h atoms. Palmitic acid oxidized to co2 + h2o. 16 co2 produced to 23 o2 consumed. Protein: not simply oxidized to co2 and h2o. Urinary nitrogen: 1g of urinary nitrogen excreted for ever 6. 25g of protein metabolized.