Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Main Source, Monism, International Court

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3 Jul 2020

Document Summary

We can distinguish 2 types of law: national / domestic law legal relations within the territory of a single state and with the organization of the state itself. International law (=public international law), which deals with the legal relations between. With certain legal instruments you can"t be dualistic. War and peace: laws of war and negotiating peace to resolve conflicts between states. Nowadays, the un take a central role in safeguarding international peace and security (ex. The sea: shipping and the use and exploitation of the sea. (ex. Economic and financial relations: trade and finance are no longer issues that can be exclusively dealt at the national level. Crime: crimes may have international aspects (ex. Un convention against transnational organized crime / interpol) Human rights: human rights are rights held by individuals vis- -vis states. The 1948 udhr proclaimed that human rights are universal, but the text was not adopted by consensus.