Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: European Union Competition Law, Interbrand, Oligopoly

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4 Jul 2020

Document Summary

101 outlaws anti-competitive collusions between undertakings, covers collusion between undertakings cartels. 1: prohibits as incompatible with the internal market collusions between undertakings that are anti-competitive by object or effect if they affect trade between member states: par. 3: exonerates certain collusions that are justified by their overall pro-competitive effects for the union economy: par. 2: illegal collusive practices are automatically void and thus can"t be enforced in court. Undertaking: every entity engaged in an economic activity, regardless of the legal status of the entity and the way in which it is financed h fner and elser par. 21: broadens the personal scope of the competition rules to include entities that may formally not be regarded as companies, including natural persons, professionals, state, public bodies, advantage: flexibility, disadvantage: uncertainty. Economic activities: any activity consisting in offering goods or services on a given market, excludes consumers from the scope of 101.