Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Reverse Discrimination, Party, Logical Consequence

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16 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Rottman (austrian national) moved to germany and lost austrian nationality due to naturalization in. Germany naturalization withdrawn based on deceipt b/c of non-disclosure of fact that there is an investigation against him in austria effect: rottmann becomes stateless and loses union citizenship. Zambrano (columbian national) lives and works full-time in. Belgium without work permit two children born in belgium with. Belgium refuses to grant him residence permit after termination of employment contract he is denied employment benefits. Reasoning not purely internal situation b/c possibility of losing. Ms power over nationality, but if eu rights affected, Ecj can review decisions withdrawal of naturalization based on fraud, false information or concealment allowed, if proportional consequences for person and family in relation to gravity of offense committed must be considered. Tfeu, if naturalization was acquired by deception and if the withdrawal observes the principle of proportionality.