Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Ultimate Power, Direct Democracy, Representative Democracy

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16 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Law and state are connected because the state creates most of the law and is itself regulated by the law. Primary role of the state is to provide peace, order and security. Constitution: set of rules that govern the state (doesn"t have to be written, e. g. uk, may allow the government to sign international agreements. Constitutional law: sometimes restricts politics from making specific choices, constitutional relevant laws are also found in ordinary and case laws and in customs, sources: Laid down in a central written document: constitution entrenchment: const. can only be amended through special procedures involving special majorities. State (federal level) and the organs of the subunits (regional level) Legislature creates laws and the administration executes and drafts them. The effect is that the government is accountable to parliament rather than to the head of state. In a monarchy the king or queen, or in a republic the president, may appoint a prime minister.