Law 2101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Lundbeck, De Minimis, Price Fixing

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30 Jul 2020

Document Summary

1 of the 5 branches of comp law. These branches are unique in eu law, they are better developed than other parts of eu law, unique that the eu can directly, under comp law , can impose sanctions on individuals and undertakings directly. Which have as their object or effect, the prevention restriction or distortion of competition. Art 101tfeu is one of the few articles in the treaty that were never amended. This is part of the rules applicable to undertakings. 2 behaviour: agreements, decisions by associations, concerted practices. No unilateral behaviour (you need at least 2 parties) No formalism required, if you enter into an agreement and feel bound by it, that is enough. (we don"t care about form, only about substance), only a meeting of the. We don"t care why you do this at this stage. Bc we want a broad field of application. We will care about it when we talk about exceptions.