Law 3101A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Majority Rule, Double Majority, Hinder

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26 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Legislative representations could be achieved with one chamber at the national level. Within the chamber, a single party might assume majority control supported by a winner-takes-all" electoral system without distributing any seats for minorities or women. Constitution builders might separate legislative power by various means: Horizontally within the legislature by introducing a second chamber. Vertically between levels of government by creating regional legislatures. Task of electoral system = translate the citizens vote into seats in the legislature. The design of systems for electing legislative representatives impacts upon which parties obtain representation and to what extent their share of seats equates with their share of votes. Electoral systems based on proportional representation support diversity of opinion by allowing a number of political parties to secure seats in the legislature which encourages multiparty coalitions. On the other hand, if a large number of parties obtain representation, it"s less likely that the governing party will enjoy reliable support in the legislature.