Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Legal Personality, Territorial Principle, Endangerment

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17 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Sovereignty: states have jurisdiction over their territories, and that this jurisdiction is, in principle, exclusive and unlimited. Sometimes have to compete with other states to be able to prosecute the same acts. No higher authority: the state itself is the highest authority, however a legal person and cannot act by itself. Externally: all states are sovereign and equal. Authority: organs of the state who are living persons and who are the highest authority within the state. Competences/ legal powers: they can determine the law and therefore the jurisdiction of the court and the different powers, e. g. army. Sovereign immunity (existence of state immunity): states shall not subject other states and their representatives to their jurisdiction: jurisdiction. State has jurisdcition to make a national legislation to state the law: originally: jurisdiction of the courts. State made the law, and also can determine it [civil, administrative, adjudactive, enforcement jurisdiction] Legislative: sometimes goes beyond the borders of the country.