Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Swiss Bank Corporation, Waitrose, Savoia-Marchetti Sm.75

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29 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Equity: this is where common law was changed if an area of law was deemed to be harsh. Case law: main source of law in english law what did the judges say in these set of circumstances. Statute law: parliament also makes laws (acts of parliament) which they think are in the public interest consumer rights act 2015 provide protection to consumers when they enter a contract with a business. Government thinks this is important as businesses don"t all act in a scrupulous way: this has become more and more important as government has intervened with the public"s life. This is going to change in the near distant future (brexit) Currently subject to european law made by the european union integrated into the. 2 main sources of english law (england & wales) are european law and statute. This is an example of a section of an act.