Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Epiphenomenalism, Ideomotor Phenomenon, Neurolaw

11 views3 pages
29 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Some critical remarks: is it really causation or only temporal ordering, causal role of earlier intentions is neglected. [schlosser: participants agree, consciously, to take part in the experiment and to follow the instructions to the best of their abilities. Not only does it seem clear that these states are causally efficacious, but the experimental method presupposes that the provision of instructions is efficacious in this way. Is acting for reasons not more relevant for agency: experiments are about proximal intentions: but what about distall intentions? (pushing button is not booking a vacation in iceland) Evidence for longer-term causal mental causation is profound, extensive, adaptive, multifaceted, and empirically strong (baumeister et al 2011) We often perceive ourselves being agents & take responsibility for situations where our. Self" is not conscious (ex. speaking, playing music, driving car, sports); conversely, some conscious actions we do, we don"t really consider to be our own (duress, some mental disorders).