Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Competition Law, Video Lesson, Socalled

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29 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Comptetition law adressee: market participants adresse: not exclusively market participants. Prohibition on collusion/ and working together in art 101 tfeu. Merger control regulation: purely in secondary legislation but connected to art. If you tie another condition with it, the not allowed unless justified. 3. 6 merger control regulation: not mention in the treaty such as other branches but solely in secondary legislation, but in. Echr, already not cooperating with the commission can lead to a fine. 3. 8 competition law and the state: 106 and 107 tfeu: art 106, subs. 1: states when competition law should apply: subs. The commission is interested in having aid categories as this because it has discretion in this area i d a g n i t s i x e. Aid notified to commission but it didn"t take further action. -> if the commission feels that circumstances has changed, the existing aid needs to be revaluated and is new aid.