Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Individual And Group Rights, Lagrand Case, United Nations Economic And Social Council

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29 Jul 2020

Document Summary

International organisation: established through treaty or other instrument governed by international law, possessing international legal personality. First one created was the league of nations after end of ww1 to maintain world peace, and was replaced by the un which became an umbrella organisation for the other international organisations. It is presently the most important international organisation and covers wide range of activities and obligations. The un charter obligations prevail over other international obligations. The un is composed of 6 principle organs: The general assembly: discusses and makes recommendations on all matters which fall within the scope of the organisation"s treaty the un charter. All 193 members have a seat in the assembly; The security council: main responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. It is composed of 15 members, five of which are permanent and have veto power. The secretariat: services the un organs; headed by the secretary-general who is usually elected for term of 5 years;