Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: State-Owned Enterprise, European Court Of Human Rights, Rudimental

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30 Jul 2020

Document Summary

The conduct of an organ of the state (de iure or de facto: art. Including any person and entity having that status under the internal legislation: applies to the organs de iure. Yugoslavia: despite significant support and control by the state, art. Kosovo: effective command of the relevant operational matters was retained by nato, not part of the echr, silent on the responsibility of the un. A person or entity exercising governmental authority on behalf of a state: states may implement their will through recourse to other entities, examples. Independent agencies: security firms acting as prison guards, private airlines exercising certain immigration controls, parastatal entities, corporations retain certain public or regulatory functions, es. minting of the german currency, art. 5 arsiwa: the conduct of any such person or entity, which is not an organ of the state, may be attributed to the state if.