Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Collective Security, Economic Community Of West African States, Humanitarian Intervention

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30 Jul 2020

Document Summary

Collective self-defence: collective self-defence, adopted in art. 51 in 1945 as a response to the desire of latin american states to retain regional autonomy: forms, collective security under the auspices of the un. Invoked by the security council in the preamble of the resolution following the iraq"s invasion of kuwait: regional self-defence alliances, art. 5 nato treaty: armed attack against one member is regarded as an armed attack against all of them. Invoked after 9/11: similar provisions in the constituent instruments of the oas and. In syria against isil/daesh: usa, uk and other states invited by iraq to lead international efforts to strike isil sited and military strongholds, 2007 trump escalated with strikes on pro-assaf forces directly on. State: usa justified its armed intervention as constituting collective self-defence on behalf of el salvador, el salvador has not made any of such request.