Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Easement, Inter Partes, Dominium

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6 Sep 2020

Document Summary

Tort / action of denunciation de nouvel ouvre. Things that you can physically possess, hold, touch like movables/goods and immovables/land. Intellectual property (rights) like creations, inventions, literary and artist work, designs, symbols . Number and content of property rights are absolute / limited to a specific number (numerus) also applies to the way in which the rights are created, transferred and destroyed. Absolution of rights that apply to everyone personal rights, property rights, intellectual property rights . Rights apply only between two parties - contractual rights . One cannot transfer more rights than he/she has himself/herself. A right which was established prior to another is stronger than the later established one. Applicable law is determined by the jurisdiction where the object is situated. A legal action by which the plaintiff demands that the defendant returns a thing that belongs to the claimant. Deprivation or eviction from rightful possession of property and wrongful taking or withholding of possession of land.