Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Product Market, Vertical Integration, Effective Competition

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6 Sep 2020

Document Summary

4 situations: natural monopoly, legal monopoly given by the state, liberalization of former legal monopolies given by the state, dominance due to companies conduct. Increase the price: commercial power, hurt competitors, market share. 1: barriers to entry and/or expansion, countervailing market power. < 25% - single firm dominance unlikely. 25 39% - single firm dominance possible in specific case. 40 49% - possibility of dominance, depending on other factors (united brands) 50 69% - presumption of dominance and reversed burden of proof (akzo) 70 89% - assumption of dominance (hilti) The power of the buyer counterbalances the potential negative effect on effective competition. Fiat flat-glass p- 198 overview of different standards. Restrictions: unilateral (action by one undertaking focus of 102); multilateral (action by more than one undertaking focus of 101) More than one undertaking being dominant very high threshold, hard to be met. 102 (undertaking; dominance; significant part on internal market; abuse; effect on trade between ms)