Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Joint Venture, Market Power

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6 Sep 2020

Document Summary

~what is the extent that the customers are going to stay in nl or that they are going cross-border: temporal no, cars always. Agreements; abuse of dominance; merger and concentration; state aid. First three: behaviour through undertakings; last one: state behaviour. First two: ex post; last two: ex ante. 101; 102; no primary basis; 107 f. Decision: approval plus conditions = fulfilment of commitments: 6(1)(a) does not fall within the scope of the regulation does not apply, 8(3) not compatible with internal market ruled out. Time-limit: decision within 33 days: 10(1) first paragraph 25 days, 10(1) second paragraph extension of deadlines 35 days with submission of commitments. Mcr applies when there is concentration with a threshold of community dimension cumulative conditions. Concentration art. 3 mcr: joint venture, merger, change in control. 4(1) mcr + 7(1) suspension of concentrations. Obligation for commission: examination of notification under art.