Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Opinio Juris Sive Necessitatis, General Medical Services

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6 Sep 2020

Document Summary

Lecture on jurisdiction and immunities- liesbeth lijnzaad 3rd october. Legal advisor the the dutch government on questions of international law; 26th september- 18:00 pm additional lecture on law of the sea delivered by prof. lijnzaad; 27th september- 18:00 event on the recent dispute between china and the philippines- panel discussion; 7th october- hosting an event on the falklands dispute (uk and argentina); When developing arguments make sure to refer to the sources; to the legal authorities; Globalization and law- how the system works and what limitation it imposes; After every tutorial- rewrite your essays with every new information you gained during tutorials; Is there single judge in the international system?- may be not but it makes life of international lawyers complicated; In domestic systems there is clarity about the unity of the sources; Un play a major role in international sources question- the charter and more particularly its.