Law 5110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sabena, Enel, Preliminary Ruling

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8 Sep 2020

Document Summary

Case law on the legal order of the union. European law as a new legal order of international law (autonomous legal order, direct effect and supremacy: case 26/62 ecj, van gend & loos [1963] (on direct effect of primary law) Ec treaty (eu treaty) as constitutional charter with complete system of legal remedies: case 294/83 les verts v. european parliament [1986] Difference between ec and eu law, art. 47 eu: environmental crimes (commission v. council), c-176/03 [2005] legal basis from different pillars cannot be combined, legal basis. Choice of the legal basis: tobacco advertising (germany v. parliament and council ) [2000] limits of art. 114 tfeu. C-210/03: recovery of indirect taxes ( commission v. council) case c-338/01 [2004]- the legal basis should be chosen based on objective factors amenable to judicial review. Sincere cooperation (art. 4. 3 teu)- hurd v. jones case 44/84 [1986] , Principle of subsidiarity (art. 5 teu) - germany v. council and parliament case c-