Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 103 pages long!)

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Impact for society: where can we find viruses , all viruses are not evil, major concepts in virology, history of virology, seeing viruses. Specific case, why is virology important: female patient, high school student, went to work in an orphanage in romania over the summer, unvaccinated, got measles virus while she was in romania. After coming back from romania to indiana: patient attended assembly - resulted in 34 students getting measles virus, the most contagious infectious virus known aerosol. Measles: transferred through aerosols (cough and sneezes, very highly transmissible, vaccine has made it less prevalent in society (first world countries such as canada) In third world countries is still present such as south america and africa: but recently hesitations toward vaccination has caused an influx of unvaccinated individuals and has allowed measles to make a reoccurrence. Implementation of vaccine caused an intense decrease in rates. H1n1 influenza outbreak in alberta canada, christmas 2013: