Nursing 4320A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: George Herbert Mead, Scientific Misconduct, Symbolic Interactionism

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N4320 readings week 1: course overview, professionalism, regulation. Misconduct in the workplace, such as unexcused absences or tardiness, misuse of university resources and facilities, and emotional abuse and pressure directed towards young academic staff has become noticeable. A literature search on scientific misconduct indicated that there have been a growing number of cases of scientific and academic misconduct in nursing too. Accordingly, ethical knowledge should lead to ethical action. However, the fact that ethical problems and misconduct tend to occur most frequently in the fields where ethics is more emphasized refutes this claim. Ethics education can develop moral reasoning and critical thinking skills. Developing a self-concept of nurse in baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of nursing education scholarship, 5(1), article 5. Developing a concept of oneself as professional nurse is a process of socialization and a critical outcome of a nursing program of study.