Philosophy 2700F/G Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Normal Science, Scientific Revolution, Inductivism

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Progress of science: pre-science normal science crisis revolution. Existence of a paradigm capable of supporting a normal science tradition is the characteristic that distinguishes science from non-science. Mature science is governed by a single paradigm. Normal science as puzzle-solving activity governed y the rules of a paradigm. Lack of agreement over fundamental distinguishes mature science from disorganized immature pre-science. Mere existence of unresolved puzzles does not constitute a crisis. When anomalies come to be seen as posing serious problems for a paradigm crisis which is deepened with the appearance of an incompatible rival paradigm. Scientific revolution: abandonment of one paradigm and the adoption by a new one by the relevant scientific community as a whole. Importance attached to the role played by the sociological characteristics of scientific communities. Function of revolutions: a means of breaking out of one paradigm into a better one. Progress through revolutions: alternative to cumulative progress.