Pharmacology 2060A/B Final: Pharm drugs chart

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Binds to bile acids produced from cyp7a1 mediated cholesterol metabolism so it cannot undergo enterohepatic recycling. Increases demand for bile acid synthesis in liver due to reduced enterohepatic recycling. Increases uptake of ldl from circ to metabolize more cholesterol. Cholesterol is required for hormone synthesis so not to be used in preg. Plasma levels are 2 times higher in asian patients. Binds to neg charged drugs such as thialize diuretics, digoxin, warfarin. Npc1l1 transporter in the intestine compensatory increase in hepatic cholesterol synteheis with statin. Blocks na and cl ion reabsorbtion in the thick ascending limb of loop of henle. Blocks na and cl reabsorbtion in distal tubule. Increases synthesis of lipoprotein lipase enhances clearance of triglyceride rich liprotiens. Good for rapid loss of fluid such as. Inhibits beta 1 (heart and jux) and beta 2 (lung) Ace inhibitor or arb (or else there will be. Selective blocking on only beta 1 receptors on juxtaglomular cells decreases renin release.