Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Direct Democracy, Juan Perón, Emmanuel Macron

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Make sense of the dualism of the state. Chart changes in the state since its emergence in history. Determine why the state acts and what we should let states do for us. States haven"t always existed created to deal with conflict going on. State as provider of order and stability. Marxists: class conflict state resolves it. But state is whatever does work. State as specific set of institutions: bureaucracy, military, police, courts, etc. After hegel, scientists rejected the concept as abstract, unnecessary. Sovereignty final and absolute authority within territory. Domination max weber: monopoly of coercion within a given territory. Protects its people from each other and also from external threats. Borders define what is internal and external in the first place. Peace of westphalia, 1648: state controls religion within territory. State from internal society, for which it provides rules and order. State from the international sphere, in which it competes with other states in the absence of order.