Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Social Capital, Civic Virtue, Baby Boomers

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Civic culture: set of specific attitudes which are crucial to the success of modern liberal democracies. Characterised by participation on the part of citizens. Liberal democracy requires citizens who will do more than simply obey & follow government. 3 general types of political culture (according to almond & verba) Participant culture: citizens pay close attention to politics & regard popular participation as both desirable & effective. Subject culture: citizens are more passive, believing that they can only have a very limited capacity to influence government. Parochial culture: absence of a sense of citizenship, with people identifying with their locality rather than the nation & having neither the desire nor the ability to participate in politics. The best civic culture is a blend of all 3! Growing influence of tv & its tendency to privatize leisure time. Tv also tends to misshape social perceptions. Shift in (cid:498)free time(cid:499) from the professional class to the working-class.