Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Party System, Direct Democracy, Single Transferable Vote

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Emphasizes role of representative assemblies in democracy (liberal- competition, participation, & inclusiveness) a) b) points beyond popular self-government connects up with liberal emphasis on competitive (getting peoples votes) and participatory elections. Trustee: a) b) burke- superior, independent judgement mill- plural voting (some people having more say than others- ex. better educated) Liberal resolution: a) b) c) policymakers, not bureaucrats occasionally judges not ceos, doctors. How? a) b) c) d) funding rules universal suffrage private ballot competitive election- schumpeter 2+ parties, open-ended (get to decide b/w them) against schumpeter. : freedom of association and expression, fair access to media, clear and transparent party. The first past the post rule - a plurality of votes wins seat often disproportionate results, manufactured majorities trade-off stability for legitimacy voters select a single candidate ex. Liberal party: 40% of vote, 172 seats (57. 15%) Canadian alliance: 25. 5% of vote, 86 seats (21. 95%) Progressive conservative: 12. 2% of vote, 12 seats (4%)