Political Science 2211E Study Guide - Final Guide: Bourgeoisie, Proletariat, North American Free Trade Agreement

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The nation"s basic division of government plays an important role in public finances and public policy: levels of government: federal, provincial, territorial, and local governments, encourages regionalism, internalizing diversity, division of powers, societal federalism: the interaction of federalism with underlying economic and as prescribed by the constitution (provincial and federal). societal differences to create different political cultures and social and economic environments for the conduct of politics in canada"s provinces and regions. Nationalism: civic v. ethnic, canadian nationalism, pan canadian, aboriginal, quebec, rest of canada (roc) Regionalism is the shared identification of citizens with a region as a distinct political or social community based on conscious differences in political, economic, and social interests and structures: regional disparities refer to the inequalities in political and economic power among canada"s provinces and regions, differences in regional disparities are affected by timing of settlements, level of national resources development, physical and financial infrastructure necessary to transport goods to markets.