Political Science 3334E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Subinfeudation, Fee Simple, Escheat

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Implied trusts - judicature acts i. e. a trust that is not expressly created by settlor but arises by implication of law (often parties unaware a trust exists) Examples: a and b buy an investment property together - each contributes of the purchase price, but legal ownership is transferred into a"s sole name. A resulting trust" arises with a holding the land as trustee for a & b. 2. a is legal owner of house & agrees b will have share in property if he carries out major improvements to house. A constructive trust" arises as it would be unconscionable to deny. B"s interest - a holds the land as trustee for a & b. Doctrine of tenure: battle of hastings - 1066 - william the conqueror deemed whole of. England his by right of conquest william rewarded his fellow norman barons by: (1) making them lords; and (2) granting them lands to be held of him as.