Psychology 2032A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Little Albert Experiment, Behaviorism, Heritability

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The rise of behaviourism: dissatisfaction in freud"s theories bright to a head by john watson, behaviourism = focuses on observable behaviour rather than on consciousness or mental functioning, focus shifted from thinking to learning, 1) classical conditioning: Unconditioned stimulus = automatically elicits a response without prior learning. Unconditioned response = response elicited by ucs. Conditioned stimulus = previously neutral stimulus that elicits a conditioned response after multiple pairings with ucs. Conditioned response = response elicited by cs. Extinction = cr gradually disappears if the cs is no longer followed by the ucs. John watson and little albert: 2) operant conditioning: Thorndike studied the effects of consequences on behaviour. Law of effect = behaviour that is followed by consequences satisfying to the organism will be repeated, and behaviour followed by unpleasant consequences will be discouraged. Skinner operant conditioning principle of reinforcement .