Psychology 2035A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Cognitive Dissonance, Group Cohesiveness, Brainstorming

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Is a strategy for generating as many alternative courses of action as possible while withholding criticism and evaluation, brainstorming, overcompensating, cognitive dissonance, appraising. Answer: a: systematic problem-solving involves, generating alternative courses of action. listing only plausible resolutions. focusing on guaranteed solutions. focusing on emotional outcomes. Answer: a: seeking social support is considered a(n) -focused strategy of constructive coping, appraisal, emotion, problem, cognition. Answer: c: actively seeking help is seen as disruptive to group cohesiveness in european-american culture, true, false. Answer: b: reactions to stress are across cultures, and actively seeking help across cultures, similar; has similarities, similar; differs, different; differs, different; has similarities. Answer: c: mark is future oriented; he is able to foresee the impact of not taking direct action now, true, false. Answer: a: which of the following is not one of the factors that contributes to procrastination, being focused on immediate events, unable to see consequences of immediate behavior, less reliability in meeting commitments, being future oriented.