Psychology 2210A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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Lecture 2 - comparative cognition: there must be varying levels of a trait in the population. Heritability: the trait must have a genetic basis that can be passed on to offspring. Survival and reproduction: fitness - organism"s ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. Exaptations: adaptations that have been co-opted to solve another problem, feathers may have initially evolved as insulation to keep birds warm but they have been co-opted. Byproducts for flight: side effects of evolution that do not serve a purpose (belly button) Something that varies in the population but doesn"t affect your fitness, like having an in or out belly button the theory that there is a link between the early attachment relationship and later relationships and personality/behaviour. Anthropomorphism attributing human like features to non-human objects or animals. Edward l. thorndike: cat in the box experiment, cat had to escape out the box through trial and error.