Psychology 2800E Final: Psychology 2410 Chapter 8-10

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Intelligence scales: bayley scales of infant development, uzgiris-hunt ordinal scales of psychological development. Infants are people we can"t communicate with, where memory capacity, motor skills, object permanence and language are tested, also test infants ability to track and locate objects in space. Correlation of bayley test performance with later i. q. score. Correlation shows very low correlation and no relation at all for infants iq and as they grow older, there is a higher correlation- usually at middle childhood. There are different ideas piaget said that intelligence is the ability to learn from the world. Most intelligence test, test verbal ability, social ability (to interact with people. All definition for intelligence are abstract, there is no single definition. It"s difficult to create a test for intelligence because it can"t be defined, and possible scores can be high on one thing, than another aspect.