Sociology 2179A/B Quiz: Advertising and Minorities .docx

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Pressure to secure high audiences forms the media: (newspaper is not in the news business but carrying advertisements globe and. Including minorities in a stereotypical way may cause more problems that including them in ads tries to avoid: this chapter argues that diversity sells to mainstream audiences. The dynamics of advertising: advertising is a way of connecting audiences to commodities with verbal and visual images, simple message of ads: for every so-called need, there is a product solution. We are never good enough: equating advertising with dominant ideologies = hegemonic properties on behalf of capitalism. Normalizing consumption in a capitalist society ensures audiences become involved in patters of control by consent and not coercion. But the codes are broken all the time (volkswagen, benetton) In the past, ads sold products with info and attributions: since 1980s, focus has shifting to selling a lifestyle based on images surrounding a product or brand.