Sociology 2240E Study Guide - Final Guide: The Contours, Anomie, Vilfredo Pareto

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14 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Rene descartes (1596-1650): was one of the first to examine systematically the idea that science and math, not religious dogma, are the basis for control over the physical world. Protestantism also challenges the catholic church as well there was economic and political transformations connected with industrialization. Both american and french revolutions were possible in part because subjects had gradually been transforming into citizens. Thomas hobbes (1588 1679): suggested social order was made by humans and therefore could be changed by humans. John locke (1632 1704): believes humans are social and co operative. Believed in the rights of individuals are disowning soveriegn power. Civic virtue legitimatizes the government. Louis de bonald (1754 1850) and joseph de maistre (1754 1821): like burke, viewed the french revolution as a disaster, they wanted to bring back the good old days of monarchy and religious authority, they believed modern life was destroying patriarchy family.