Sociology 2266A/B Final: 2266 Final Exam Review

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The way in which our society is organized ex: family, education, religion. Our social structure is stratified based on status and roles that people have, this means that people in lower classes are left with less money, resources, etc. Society contains mutually containing parts and everyone has a role to play. 3 key sociological explanations for crime: crime is the result of an individual"s location within the structure of society, crime is the end product of various social processes, especially inappropriate. If you"re in a lower class, you are more likely to be involved in traditional street crime. All about the social structure/environment that someone is born into socialization and social learning: crime is a product of class struggle; the perspective emphasizes the nature of existing power relations between social groups. People who have no power or resources retaliate by participating in illegal behaviour"s to make up for getting the short end of the stick.