Sociology 2266A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Cesare Lombroso, Enrico Ferri, Cesare Beccaria

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Law-breaking as a manifestation of original sin and common sinfulness the church links crimes to sins and they chose these crimes based on catholicism: classicism (late 18th century) Criminal behaviour is a result of free will so is a personal decision, punishment should be proportional and a deterrent, not excessive, greatest happiness for the greatest number panopticon model. Hedonistic principle people seek pleasure to try and avoid pain and so rationally calculate their actions through cost-benefit analysis. Fails to address social inequalities and ignores the complexity of human nature. Assumes societies are organised in a fair and just way and we are all equally free to make choices. Alternatives positivism, marxism and other deterministic theories: social statisticians (1820"s) Statistical research and the observation of the underlying regularities of social behaviour of the average man as to what is acceptable behaviour. Connections positivism as analysis of official crime statistics and victimization survey data.