Statistical Sciences 2035 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Empty Spaces, Principal Component Analysis, Scree

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We limit the number of factors to those that are important by choosing factors with the largest eigenvalues. The simplest method is to choose those dimensions with eigenvalues that are 1 or greater because they explain more variation than did an original item. The selection of factors for interpretation with eigenvalues greater than 1 is known as kaiser s rule. An alternative method called the scree test where successive eigenvalues are plotted on a graph, and the spot where the plot abruptly levels out or goes below one is the cut- off point. In general, there is a four-stage sequence to follow in conducting a factor analysis: descriptives and a correlation matrix are generated for all the variables. The first table of descriptives shows the means, standard deviations and ns. In the second table, correlation matrix, first indicators whether a pca is worth to conduct can be observed. Usually, there have to be some correlation coefficients higher than.