Statistical Sciences 2035 Quiz: Regression Analysis

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Simplest form: predict a quantitative dependent variable y using a quantitative independent variable x involves working with a linear regression model with the formula. Person j achieved a score on variable x, and using the linear equation we attempt to predict his score on y. The hat above the y tells us that we are dealing with the best prediction of y given the score of x. A= intercept = predicted y-value where x=0 (e. g. : predicted weight for a person of 0 meters: differing intercepts = group effect. Changing the scale of x1 or x2: has no effect on slope or intercept; but produces more meaningful results (e. g. expressing slope in decimeters instead of meters, because allows us to observe more variability) Look at scatterplot and check whether it truly & meaningfully summarizes the correlation. Produce best fitting straight line and explained variation of stat 1 on stat 2 (r(xy)^2=0,353)