Women's Studies 2161A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Glen Ridge High School, Institutional Racism, Hypersexuality

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Recognizes proliferation of pop culture + media articulations of femininities. 2nd wave fem. favoured white mid/upper class women. Exclusionary forces such as racism, homophobia, sexism/misogyny. Women as divided group due to different gendered identities. Meaning of feminism varies from person to person. Matrix links hegemonic masculinity + emphasized femininity into gendered discourse. Sport as all-male domain to assert manhood. Women in sport endangered stability of society. Induced masculinit(cid:455) as a (cid:396)esult of athleti(cid:272)is(cid:373) (cid:373)ea(cid:374)t fe(cid:373)ale athletes did(cid:374)(cid:859)t pa(cid:396)ti(cid:272)ipate i(cid:374) heterosexual relationships. Accusations of lesbianism intensified post war time. New societal opportunities for homosexuals during war. Crack down on homosexual presence post war. No reference to lesbianism for black athletes. Change in phys ed curriculum to focus on beauty. Sport provided space for lesbian activity and social networks. Allowed lesbians to come out and search for companions and community. Explore sexual identity through socialization w/ other lesbians. Week 10 weight & the gendered consumer.