BI111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Genetic Drift, Systematics, Natural Selection

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9 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Carl linnaeus father" of modern taxonomy and binary nomenclature name formed by genus & species (a nested hierarchy) Species a group of organisms that is biologically distinct from others and evolving along a lineage. Species are reproductively isolated from other species represents a closed gene pool with alleles being shared among members of the same species. A set of conditions that are necessary and sufficient to identify a group of individuals as a species. Do not only define what a species is, but also define what speciation is. Important to many biologists working in the fields of: taxonomy, evolutionary biology, ecological & behavioral studies, conservation biology. Organisms are classified in the same species if they appear identical by morphological (anatomical) criteria are they unique from others ex. Males and females of the same species: different phenotypes favored by different environments the same species grow in, ex.