[CC100] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (24 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Criminology - the scienti c study of crime and criminals. Criminology 125 yrs - greek time, began because scientists wanted to develop a way to understand crime. Giving children and families 22506 and educating them, reduces crime and gives them hope and a better life. 1800"s - emile durkheim french sociologist; interested in suicide. (why people commit suicide, how old, how young etc) No statistics produced on how many people commit suicide. If it is typed you have to see if it was a suicide or homocide. What appears to be is not, cant assume its a suicide right away. Criminal stats - no stats = no decision, centre for criminal justice statistics , every police dept must report its stats of what has happened throughout the year. ( how many murders, weapon used etc). The dark gure of crime - difference between all the crime that is committed to the crime that has been reported.