GG102 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Christian Fundamentalism, Human Geography

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18 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 3: demographic transition - a model of population change in which high birth and death rates are replaced by low birth and death rates. According to this model, the slowing of population growth is attributable to improved economic production and higher standards of living brought about by better nutrition, healthcare, education, and sanitation. The high birth and death rates of the pre-industrial phase (phase 1) are replaced by the low birth and death rates of the industrial phase (phase 4) only after passing through a critical transitional stage. During these transitional phases 2&3, birth and death rates fall at different speeds. During phase 2, simple improvements in hygiene produce a paid decline in mortality, where as fertility rains at the high levels characteristic of a place without industrialization. Males are portrayed on the left side of the vertical axis and females on the right.